Danubius International Conferences, 8th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

Key Factors in the Development of the Legal Framework concerning Danube’s Protection

Valentina Cornea, Mirela Costache
Last modified: 2018-06-15


The study analyzes the factors determined in the evolution of the legal and administrative-institutional framework regarding the protection of the Danube. The Continental Concept and the utilitarian approach to environmental protection are used as a methodological reference point for analyzing the legal framework. The evolution of the legal framework in Romania is strongly influenced by developments in international regulations in the field, as well as by the socio-economic context of the country. In the Notes on the substantiation of the legislative acts that concern the Danube and the Danube territory and in the content of the normative acts it is noted the establishment of interdependent links between the economic and social development and the protection of the Danube. The general concepts expressed in national legislation have evolved from a utilitarian approach to an integrated approach, but implementation is generally a challenge caused by lack of adequate planning, coordination and funding.